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Type Ks, KsV condensate pumps and pumping units.

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      Condensate pumps of Ks type are designed for pumping waste steam condensibles of stationary steam turbines and of heating steam from heat exchangers with temperatures up to 125°C, and for pumps Ks32-150 and Ks80-155, with temperatures up to 160°C.
      A distinguishing feature of the condensate removal pumps is their good suction capacity.
      The pump's backwater in the suction pipe does not exceed 2,5 m above the steam pressure (irrespective of the condensate temperature and the vacuum level in the condenser).


      According to the structural criterion the condensate removal pumps fall into the following categories:
      — horizontal multistage (two-stage and four-stage) with casing joints in a horizontal plane, spiral-type body and single-entry wheel. The inlet and outlet tubes are placed in the lower part of the body and are directed: the inlet tube - vertically downwards, the pressure tube - horizontally.
      — horizontal multistage, single-case pumps: three-stage Ks50-52-2, six-stage - Ks50-110-2 and Ks80-155-2.
      — vertical multistage double-case pumps (KsV). To ensure high suction capacity of the pump, a preactuated worm wheel is installed before the first case. The outer casing is welded; the inner casing consists of a feed line, cells with pressed-in guiding devices and the cover.
      — single-stage, of spiral type, with an impeller of dual intake. This group includes pumps with capacities of 1,000, 1,500 and 1,600 m3ph. The pumps designated KsA are specially designed for nuclear power stations.
      While the pumps are operating, their seals are under the pressure of the pumped liquid, so they do not need a hydraulic seal. The flow-type parts of the pumps are made of cast iron SCh18 or SCh20 and steel 20X13L.

 (+7 486 2) 43-73-22,   (+7 495) 931-97-18,   (+7 473 2) 63-59-81,   (+359 2) 971-56-71;